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Holiday memory contest - WINNER POSTED!
Posted: Sat Jan 03, 2009 6:34 pm
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Hello my friends,
This contest is about telling us something special from the Holidays. We all love having thew time to spend with our loved ones and creating new memories we can look back on.
Maybe it is with a special person in your life or just something special that touched your heart. Well we would love to hear it and have it shared with our fellow members.
Up for grabs is $50 CASH to one lucky winner...:)
1 x $50
1) All members must be registered and must have made at least 1 post.
2) All members MUST have a MoneyBookers/Paypal account in order to recieve a cash prize
3) Your post must be at least 1 full sentence and hopefully more...:)
4) This contest end on January 31th, 2009 and all prizes will paid on or about the 15th of the following month.
5) Have fun!...:) and please support our sponsors so we can bring you even MORE Free Cash prizes every month.
Good Luck all,
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 6:20 pm
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LOL! Well my favorite memory f this year was of my little brother! We were all at his house and getting ready for Christmas dinner. all the side dishes were on the table and we were all sitting around the table when we heward this crash come from the kitchen.
We all rushed in to find my brother on his butt covered in turkey...lol...he had been carving it and had it all laid out of a plate, went to walk in the dining room and slipped on the floor and UP went the plate, turkey and all...lol..it was so funny!
We still had turkey but it was turkey sandwiches with processed meat!. It was prefect still!...:)
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(No subject)
Posted: Sun Jan 04, 2009 8:16 pm
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How special indeed! This is a great story for this contest.
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Sat Jan 10, 2009 10:42 pm
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My favorite holiday memory would have to be when my family always gets together Christmas eve. We all love to go out and sing christmas carols to the neighbors. Well, this time we went to a persons house, and and this was an elderly lady. She was so happy and she thanked us. She said, it has been a very long time since people did caroling and wished that it was done more often. It made me feel so good to make her smile and feel happy.
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Tue Jan 13, 2009 4:49 pm
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my best memory is i got to come home from the hospital, and send time with my kids and grand kids, had heart surgery, lol wasnt fun,
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Wed Jan 14, 2009 3:24 am
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Hi ya Brunett!! What a great gift!! and Glad to see your doing better and was able to spend time with your family..:) And here is a big wish you are well on the mend and on to a full recovery!!
Please let us know you are doing well...:) That is by far not an easy thing to go through and we are all rooting for you.
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 7:14 am
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Well my best was simply spending time with my sister Kim. She is not doing well and we don't know how much time we will have left with her so this xmas was especially special to me for so many reasons.
We spent our time just talking and enjoying each other whicxh was wonderful.
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(No subject)
Posted: Sat Jan 24, 2009 10:56 am
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These are awesome post.
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Mon Jan 26, 2009 4:19 pm
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My most treasured memory is a sad one now...
BUT at the time it was an incredible 1-of-a-kind walkin' on tippy-toes-skipping through my days kind of memory!! :)
After years of living with my daughters criminal-father (and his drug-abuse/alcohol-abuse/emotional-abuse). Staying and trying for "the kids" sake...Ha-Ha!! I finally found courage & left, with NOTHING! Just a car and a kid and $42-. As I was getting my "chit" 2gether I met a wonderful, great infuence to my 1 & only kid, gentle-MAN!
After 1 year and 2 mo's on C-Mas Eve he proposed!!!! I was crying and spewing snot I was so happy!!
Just 2 mo's later, on his yearly hunting/fishing in Canada w/ his brothers/dad he was killed in an accident.......
Man, I was........if not for my daughter, SUICIDAL at best!
I have moved on, years later, and am happily married to a wonderful not-always-gentle(never opened a door for me yet!!lol) Man. My daughter is now 20 and in 2nd year of college. So all is well, but I have that ring and just 1 pix of him me and my daughter who was 3, in a lock box.
That is where I will always keep it, just peeking at it now and then!
Thanks for letting me share this, ~Patti
p.s.- GL ALL
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Thu Jan 29, 2009 1:01 am
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Simply put! My best memory of this year was going out on Xmas morning and discovering a lost little puppy. The poor thing had no collar or I.D tags so we had no idea where to call to try to locate the owners.
My daughter and I thought for sure this must have been some childs Christmas present and started knocking on doors trying to find the puppy's owner. We spent hours go from door to door with no luck. We disn't want to call the pound for fear the poor thing might get put down so we took her home with us for the night.
As it was the next morning my husband was down at the local restaurant getting us our traditional family breakfast the day after when he overheard a little boy all off about 4 yrs old crying about loosing his dog and upset thinking he must not have looked after her properly and Santa took her back!
The poor thing, it broke my heart to hear that. Long story short, mu hubby talked to the little boy and said your Puppy had come for a visit to our house as Santa wanted him to say HI to us...lol!..and they came over and pick her up. The pure happiness in that little boys eyes was wonderful and I'll never forget how something so special as a puppy can warm your heart!.
That is a great memory for us all.
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Fri Jan 30, 2009 2:50 am
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For me it was helping out with our church. Every year for the past 7 years we go as a family and help serve Christmas dinner for those who are less fortunate than we are.
It is a great way to help our community and a great way to teach our kids the importance of helping others in need..:) It is so nice to see the happy smiles on the faces of those who visit the church on Xmas day.
It is so important to them and they are so incredibly gratefull for it. Considering so many recieve so many things on this day it is a real special thing to see so many be so happy to just have a nice dinner with friends.
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Sat Jan 31, 2009 1:58 pm
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My best memory of Christmas was getting a bike I had been after my parents for. It was nothing special I guess but it was my first BMX bike and I had been begging for it for over a year.
My parents didn't make much money so it was a really big deal for me to get it and one I will always remember. It was a real thrill to peel out of the driveway with that bike on xmas morning!
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 4:07 am
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My best memory by far is the year my Uncle Tim came for Christmas. He was my hero when I was a kid as he always travelled the world taking pictures for National Geographic!
So for him to be there at our house was prefect with all his stories and pictures, well, it was pretty amazing for me!
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Re: Holiday memory contest - 1 x $50!
Posted: Sun Feb 01, 2009 3:44 pm
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Hello my friends,
It is that time yet again to award more FREE CASH here at CasinoBonusRus.com. All those who entered had thier names put into me trusted old beach hat and the lucky member to win this contest was...
FANCYONE! , your name was the lucky one drawn!
You have just won a nice sweet $50 in FREE CASH!!!!
Congratulation to you and we hope you enjoy your prize!!...:) Please forward to bonusadmin via PM your Moneybooker/PayPal details so we can forward payment of your winnings. All payments will be sent on or about the 15th of the following month.
The CasinoBonusrus Crew
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Re: Holiday memory contest - WINNER POSTED!
Posted: Tue Feb 03, 2009 10:13 pm
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THANK YOU CASINOBONUSRUS!! I am so happy now! You guys really made my day!
I never win many contests so this is especially nice for me..:)
Thanks so much!
Fancy (Gail)