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Complaint posting rules - Please read before posting!!!

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Site Admin

Joined: 02 Jan 2008
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Complaint posting rules - Please read before posting!!!
Posted: Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:46 am ? View Post

Hi all,

Whilst we hope to not see mant post in this section of our forum we know from time to time there will be issues between players and the casino's.

We, for our part, will work hard to ensure they all get resolved but we ask and need you to follow these rules. They are in place to help you!! as but also to give the casino's the opportunity to correct issue's that may or may not be thier fault.

We also ask that once you post your comments that you DO NOT post further comments until such time as we post results after we deal with our casino contacts.


1) Do NOT post the name of the casino in your post nor in the topic header.

2) NO casino bashing will be tolerated. If you bash - your post will be removed and you will forfiet your right to further posts in this section.

3) You MUST PM bonusadmin once you have posted with complete details of your complaint. Please include casino info - acct #, casino in question etc.

We thank you in advance for following these rules and please understand they are put in place for muliple reasons.


The BonusCrew

Last edited by BonusAdmin on Mon Jan 14, 2008 3:46 am; edited 1 time in total
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